Monthly Archives: June 2011

Back to Basics and a Welcome

I have had a few questions about what exactly Intermission does. There is information in our FAQ and About sections, but I should be perfectly clear! Here is a breakdown of what Intermission does and how we achieve it.

Firstly, we see see theatrical performances. We take youth-in-need to theatres all over Toronto, completely for free. The youth, our participants, are recommended to us from community centres in Toronto, who help Intermission to find interested candidates.

Secondly, we discuss theatrical performances. This is the real purpose of Intermission – to take what we have seen and been inspired by, and we critique, think, question and debate. The youth work on miniature presentations that come out of these discussions, as well as reviews of the performances. They practice their communication skills. They get to be creative. They are respected for their intelligence, and encouraged to exercise their brains.

Our schedule runs like this:

We meet every week. Every other week we see a performance. On the off weeks, we discuss them. On the discussion weeks, we provide dinner and TTC tokens, and prepare for seeing the next week’s performance.

We are starting our first season this year. Each season comprises two terms, currently, of about 13 weeks each. We typically see 6 performances per term. Participants are allowed to repeat their enrollment, if interested.

I hope that improves clarity!

Also, welcome to Katie and Victoria, our two newest staff members, as our Dramaturge and Associate Officer. We are still looking for Food and Transportation Officers, as well as a Volunteer Coordinator and Financial Officer.