
What Is Intermission?

Intermission is a program that brings audiences and theatres together. Participants are recommended to the program by community organizations, based on interest and need. The group meets each week, alternating between attending a performance one week and discussing the art the next. In return, theatres are introduced to new, eager audiences. Participants have the amazing opportunity to see a wide variety of performances, while learning to compare, appreciate and question the art form.


Those who can be involved in the arts, even as the audience, receive incredible benefits. They are given, most importantly, ideas. And then they learn to express those ideas, to reason and see perspective, to discover their opinions, their stances, their biases and even themselves. By belonging to a cultural community of those who have seen the theatrical performances they gain confidence and are inspired.

The confidence, self-expression and joy gained by the participants are not all. Theatres thrive on their audiences. To have new audience members bring their backgrounds, feelings and energy to a performance is electrifying.

Intermission provides a framework for community sharing, and community building. Through the new connections and ideas that are created, we are tackling bigger issues that Toronto faces: involvement and support for the arts, education for all, and poverty.

Who Runs Intermission?

Intermission is run entirely by volunteers. It was founded by Emily Hofstetter in 2011. Emily has been involved in community theatre since she could walk, beginning as an actress and moving through design, stage management, directing, and finally running theatre groups herself. She is currently working at a theatre in Toronto as a technician, an administrator, and a jack-of-all trades.

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